Sex Predator and Child Rapist Pedophile Vikramsinh Parmar aka. Vikram Singh Parmar aka. Vikram Parmar (of LawTally, Avik Overseas in India) is the ex-boyfriend of Alex Syrov aka. Alex Sirov aka. Aleksey Syrovatchenko who is the owner of Removal Remove in NY New York

Sex Predator and Child Rapist Pedophile Vikramsinh Parmar aka. Vikram Singh Parmar aka. Vikram Parmar (of LawTally, Avik Overseas in India) is the ex-boyfriend of Alex Syrov aka. Alex Sirov   aka. Aleksey Syrovatchenko who is the owner of Removal Remove in NY New York

EXPOSED!!! Sex Predator and Serial Rapist Slander Industry King Vikramsinh Parmar aka. Vikram Singh Parmar aka. Vikram Parmar (of LawTally, Avik Overseas in India) partner of Alex Syrov aka. Alex Sirov   aka. Aleksey Syrovatchenko of Removal Extortion Blackmail Schemes in New York, NY


As long as stays online, the blast shall continue unabated… haha

Serial Sexual Predator and Child Rapist Pedophile Vikramsinh Parmar aka. Vikram Singh Parmar aka. Vikram Parmar (of LawTally, Avik Overseas in India) is the owner of and has been featured on New York Times and he pays tech writers to write bogus bullshit artricles about him when in reality this serial rapist has been arrested, charged, convicted of many crimes and thrown in jail by Indian police!!!

 This child rapist kiddie porn lover Vikramsinh Parmar aka. Vikram Singh Parmar aka. Vikram Parmar (of LawTally, Avik Overseas in India)  is behind most removal sites like removal sites like Dity Scam, Repze,, etc. in New York NY with @WebActivist Twitter Alex Syrov aka. Alex Sirov  aka. Aleksey Syrovatchenko

And his life-partner and gay lover husband the balding freak Alex Syrov aka. Alex Sirov  aka. Aleksey Syrovatchenko owner of,,, etc. in New York NY @WebActivist Twitter Alex Syrov aka. Alex Sirov  aka. 
Aleksey Syrovatchenko etc. Alex Syrov's Twitter is @AlexSyrov and his website is:

Look at these rapid hair loss suffering sexual predators and kiddie porn diddler kings Alex Syrov aka. Alex Sirov  aka. Aleksey Syrovatchenko and Vikramsinh Parmar aka. Vikram Singh Parmar aka. Vikram Parmar (of LawTally, Avik Overseas in India)! This fat old hideous loner freak with a double-chin and a huge beer belly has not only been convicted of numerous criminal offences that include extortion, scamming web sites, sexual offences against young children (i.e. he was convicted of child pornography and child rape charges in Chicago and he served a lengthy jail sentence), etc., but this serial rapist Michael Podolsky and his GAY LOVER and live-in BOYFRIEND Alex Syrov aka. Alex Sirov  aka Aleksey Syrovatchenko and criminal orgy lovers VLADIMIR NARDIN, ELENA KARTYSHEVA and Joanna Clark Simpson have been sued, arrested, served lengthy prison sentences and even deported out of the US multiple times (look it up in the internet along with his address). 


And this sex predator child rapist criminal sexual offender Alex Syrov aka. Alex Sirov   aka Aleksey Syrovatchenko claims to work at the Federal Government through this fake profile: Hahahaha! This criminal pedophile on sex offender registry can NEVER get a legitimate job which is why it is littered with all lies and does not mention his long criminal records in India and elsewhere! LOOOOL!!!

These sad lonely creatures and pedophile child sex rapist child murdering and kidnapping sex predators and Vikramsinh Parmar aka. Vikram Singh Parmar aka. Vikram Parmar (of LawTally, Avik Overseas in India) and his soulmate Alex Syrov aka. Alex Sirov aka Aleksey Syrovatchenko (who are both unemployed bums with no real job, no friends, no family, no life). So, how did they meet and why do they make money off these extortion websites? After much investigation, we uncovered that the answer is quite simple really.  They met in federal prison where both of them were serving time for raping many young boys, for distributing child pornography, sexual assault, human trafficking underage boys for sexual pleasure, various other pedophilia related criminal offenses, etc. and Vikramsinh Parmar aka. Vikram Singh Parmar aka. Vikram Parmar (of LawTally, Avik Overseas in India)and his partner-in-crime Alex Syrov aka. Alex Sirov  aka Aleksey Syrovatchenko full well knew that upon being released on parole no legitimate employer would hire undocumented illegal aliens like them especially given their lengthy criminal records as REGISTERED SEX OFFENDERS!!! This way, they get to continue with their sex predator behavior while making some money of removals of unflattering content on their websites for a hefty fee while republishing the same content on their other affiliated websites. They intentionally target foreign entities knowing that they would have limited legal recourses in the United States. and Vikramsinh Parmar aka. Vikram Singh Parmar aka. Vikram Parmar (of LawTally, Avik Overseas in India) and his child rape kiddie porn loving comrade Alex Syrov aka. Alex Sirov   aka Aleksey Syrovatchenko also run many CHILD PORN websites on the dark web that depicts sexual acts on young boys as young as 1 month to 14 years old. These two are perverted sickos!!! Their imminent arrests related to his Internet scams is foreseeable; they were even sued many many many times (just look it up on the web!)

The hilarious irony in all this is: these two sex predator convicted criminal child loving kiddie porn molester HIV positive rapists with AIDS have made a profit by publishing DMCA requests.... and now these abject failures are getting a taste of their own medicine. Hahaha! Take a gander at this:


LOOLOLOLOLOL!!! LMAO!!! As long as stays up, we’ll keep on putting these kiddie sex predators on FULL BLAST!!!


And here’s a Court Order against that forced these convicted sex predators Alex Syrov and Michael Podolsky to remove content:


These criminal sex predators Alex Syrov, Vikramsinh Parmar Michael Podolsky and Anton Guc aka Anton Guts aka. Atonio Guc were also charged by the Texas Attorney General with possession and distribution of hardcore child pornography kiddie porn and here is link:


Almost all negative review search results have been Artificially created by Michael Podolsky. Michael Podolsky is a notorious Scammer and Blackmailer who extorts from businesses and individuals especially doctors. Michael Podolsky owns SCAM websites:,,, and many others. Michael Podolsky is a sick fat lonely loser who optimizes SEO of his websites to Google Search Engine and exploits weaknesses of Google in order to promote his Scam websites to show up in the top of the page under given search. Michael Podolsky extortion sites will show up on the top of the page. Than multiple agents of "reputation management" websites will be contacting the doctor with offers to remove or suppress the negative content. Michael Podolsky scheme is a simple Blackmail and Extortion Racket. Michael Podolsky is Blackmailer and Extortionist who utilizes weaknesses in Google algorithm to promote his websites on the first page. ALL reviews by Michael Podolsky on his websites are pure FABRICATION and an attempt to extort and tarnish reputation of businesses or reputation of individuals or doctors. Michael Podolsky has been sued multiple times for his CRIMINAL activities online. This pedophile Michael Podolsky aka. Mikhail Podolsky is a product of CRIMINAL segment of Dark Internet that uses an excuse of freedom of speech to BLACKMAIL and EXTORT. Michael Podolsky is a modern day PIRATE and CYBERSTALKER. The Justice will prevail over Michael Podolsky eventually and he will be stopped along with his CRIMINAL websites and is a FRAUD SCAM EXTORTION VIRUS MALWARE RANSOMWMARE scheme website that demands payment for removal Web Activism WebActivist #webactivism


WebActivism Removal is a SCAM FRAUD EXTORTION VIRUS MALWARE RANSOMWARE dangerous web site Remove Posts Michael Podolsky aka. Mikhail Podolsky, and Vikramsinh Parmar aka. Vikram Singh Parmar aka. Vikram Parmar (of LawTally, Avik Overseas in India) Alex Syrov aka. Alex Sirov  aka. Aleksey Syrovatchenkoare the convicted criminal owners of


This website is instrumental in unlawful activities that include harassment, intimidation, dissemination of personal information, etc. This website ( that is a fraudulent site that purports to be a public service (i.e. cleverly masquerading itself as a legitimate public interest website) -- but in reality, this an extortion based website that posts content that is defamatory, false, shaming (revenge porn), etc. and through its third-party subsidiaries (eg. etc.), they demand hefty payment for content to be taken down to have posts removed. This is blatant extortion and law enforcement should not allow these dubious parties to carry out their acts unscathed by way of executing such fraudulent schemes.


Even the New York Times wrote about this sexual predator Vikramsinh Parmar aka. Vikram Singh Parmar aka. Vikram Parmar (of LawTally, Avik Overseas in India) being arrested by police for sex crimes


This joke of a website that puts its own laughable spin on various FAKE NEWS stories. There is NO "webactivism" team; the site is run by just one pathetic fat hideous loner with no friends and no life.... yet this intemperate lonely creep refers to his nonexistent team and friends. LMAO. Even funnier is that this worthless vermin pontificates RipOff Report and other similar sites... yet he has been put on BLAST by these very same sites. Clearly this societal reject has no legal training whatsoever. What an innate failure life! Vikramsinh Parmar aka. Vikram Singh Parmar aka. Vikram Parmar (of LawTally, Avik Overseas in India , Michael Podolsky aka Mikhail Podolsky, Alex Syrov aka. Alex Sirov  aka. Aleksey Syrovatchenko, Joanna Simpson aka Joanna Clark Simpson, VLADIMIR NARDIN, ELENA KARTYSHEVA and many other crooks are instrumental in these scams.

Complain about Web Activism by filing a formal criminal investigation complaint to the following:

- Abuse with whois privacy corp

- Cloudflare abuse

- abuse


Department of Justice

Department of Homeland Security


The National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force, or NCI-JTF

National IP Cordination Centre

US Postal Inspection



FB @webactivist @webactivist @webactivist Twitter

If anyone or their attorneys would like to serve these two sexual predators with legal documents, this is where you can reach them: 


Michael Podolsky aka. Mikhail Podolsky

12333 83rd Ave. 

Apt 2703

Kew Gardens, NY 11415

(718) 544-0283

(516) 569-0021


Alex Syrov aka. Alex Sirov  aka. Aleksey Syrovatchenko

41 Deepdene Rd.

Forest Hills, NY 11375

(347) 688-2539

(646) 781-8765

(646) 827-1925 


Joann Simpson

135 Ocean Pkwy

Apt. 6h

Brooklyn, NY 11218

